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Old 03-11-2015, 03:55 PM   #2
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Re: outdoor protectin from sun and rain

I have a garage, but also keep my Blazer on the driveway as well. So I bought one of those $200 to $300 covers from Pep Boys. 4 to 6 layer Tyvek style material, breathable, water repellant, etc. They last about a year in SoCal before they turn into tissue paper from the sun. The biggest issue you will have is with scuffing. I don't care how soft they say the inside layer is, all it takes is a little dust/polen contamination between the cover and your paint to haze your paint at the rub points. This is compounded by the Santa Ana winds that we have here in SoCal. When those winds get that cover flapping, scuffing is inevitable. The scuffing on my motorhome is proof of that. The best advise I can give you is only put the cover on a clean truck. Take the cover off if high winds are in the forcast. Save up for a garage
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