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Old 03-12-2015, 08:35 PM   #10
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Location: Luray, VA
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Re: 1972 GMC Sierra Grande

Interesting point about the parchment trim - I can certainly see that happening with use. I drive all my collector vehicles and I plan to drive this one plenty. I would like s slightly dressier seat, perhaps the houndstooth fabric.

Odd note - the initial pick-up in Glendale by the shipper's hauler went awry because the seller (faced with a super-irritable truck driver) momentarily forgot that the truck won't start if the shift lever is too far over in Park. Wear on the neutral safety switch, most likely. The seller suddenly remembered the quirk and the truck started instantly - but the driver had already driven off in a huff and refused to come back. It's all straightened out now and the truck will be on its way tomorrow.

The incident reminded me of my own situation when I bought a '58 Buick two years ago and had it shipped from upstate NY to Virginia. When the driver from Horseless Carriage reached my farm (I was leading him), he launched into a furious tirade about being on a dead-end road and having to back up about 500 feet after the delivery. Total a--hole and I called the company about him. Shipping a vehicle is always an adventure.
Shenandoah Valley of Va
1972 GMC 2500 Sierra Grande
402, Custom Camper Package
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