Dan's 1956 GMC
Hey everyone! So I finally decided to start a build thread on my 56 GMC project.
This project is my first project. I spent my childhood out in the shop helping my dad rebuild our 1948 Plymouth. We also have a 57 Cadillac Sedan DeVille that is my dad's retirement project.
A little background on the GMC. I bought the truck at the Back to the 50s swap meet back in June of 2011. That winter, I started tearing it down to begin the rebuild.
76 Chevy 2wd Blazer Front End
76 Chevy 2wd Blazer Rear Axle with 373 Gears
350 Engine with 700R4 Transmission
(I think the engine, tranny and rear gear combination will work, but any input would be greatly appreciated. The main use will be for shows/cruising.)
So far the sub-frame work is completed, the entire frame has been cleaned up and re-painted as well as the rear axle. We have done some mocking up to make sure all the mounts and body pieces line up properly and now I am starting on the body work.
Up until this past summer the project has been slow going. I went to school to be a teacher and spent two years subbing. Now that I finally got in to a full time teaching job, I have the income to get some work done.