Re: 67-8 vs 69-72 core support frame horn
It is at the end of a complete frame off rebuild. Or maybe I should say BUILD without the RE because it has many new parts or used parts from other vehicles. The cab mounts are new. I am having the same issue that I've seen posted here before, but I'm not really sure how each of those situations were resolved. The body line from the tailgate end of the bed all the way to the grille end of the door is straight. With the core support mounts that I have (69-72 style) the front appears to be too high. This caused the seam between the fender and door to not align well. Too close at the top and too far away at the bottom.
Again, is there any proof that the core support frame horns, mounts, perches, whatever they are called were ever not flush with the top of the frame. Looking through some pictures on this site, I have seen some core support pictures that appear to sit at least a half inch, to possibly almost an inch above the to of the frame. Is this normal.
What does not make sense to me is that if the 67-68 core support used a very thin spacer, then it would sit lower to the frame. The cab mounts are the same, so how is this resolved? Bottom line is, if I can lower my core support closer to the frame, it is going to help in the alignment of the fender to the door and help keep the body line straight. However, what other issues might I have if I do so? Will my bumper then not fit right to the grille? could I have other issues with the radiator or anything else?