Originally Posted by Advanced Design
The exhaust and rear bed detail is very nice!
Thanks AD!
Originally Posted by Kim57
Your fab and detail is some of the best on this site.
Thanks Kim, you and many others have set the bar high...we're just trying to keep up!
Originally Posted by 6BT 56
Looking good guys. I hope you never meet a guy who likes to,put square holes in everything. He'd be like your evil twin. Lol. What are your plans for sound deading for the cab. Noise is cool out side but as I get older I like it less inside . That thing is going to have a rumble to it for sure .
Keep up the great work.
Sound deadening matting will be used where possible and the bottom half of the interior will be rhino lined...will help a bit
Originally Posted by OrrieG
Am I missing something? It looks like the exhaust goes thru the upper dump bed side rail??? Did you decide to eliminate the dump feature?
The exhaust tip is capped off flat at the back. The exhaust tubing comes up behind the side box and goes into the side of the tip...dump feature is alive and well.