Originally Posted by Keith Seymore
Absolutely. I've done a dozen or so that way over the last 30 years.
For the rear spring hanger if you put the bottom hole of the hanger (what was) the top hole on the frame - that will be three inches. You will, however, need to add some support for the bottom of the hanger, which I do by shooting the spring shackle eye bolt all the way through the rail (with an appropriate length spacer).
The front hanger will need to come straight up even though the hanger is in a "V"configuration. Be careful here because any error fore/aft can result in a skewed rear axle and dogtracking.
Wow, Keith thank you so much, not only did you explain it well and show pics, but it's you man, The Factoryman, what a great resource you are, and I didn't even think of mounting the shackles higher, so thanks for the spacer tip