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Old 03-16-2015, 02:20 PM   #10
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Re: help !!! new cab on its way..

The electrical is not hard at all for the new gauge setup especially if the the oil is mechanical....

Your new gauge would be wired like this (if all electric)

1 wire from temp sender in motor for TEMP Gauge
1 wire from your GEN or ALT to the BATTERY Gauge
1 wire from oil psi sending unit to OIL Gauge (if its mechanical then run a 1/8" oil line to gauge)
1 wire from fuel sender should already be there. the send unit should be the same.

The gauges should have a 1 ground wire that loops to each of them or they may be on a common bus on the backs of all the gauges. ground should already be there.

So if anything you would have to run 3 wires into your engine compartment, 16 gauge size wire and color code them GM colors. Get the wire at NAPA. EASY!
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