Originally Posted by Joe Pass
At the Pleasanton Goodguys swap meet, I was required to get a "Tax ID" from the local government to claim my sales for tax purposes before I could sell there...The process was about like applying for credit at a bank....Its taking the purpose out of making back some money on parts you probably already paid tax on....I'm not talking about the Vendors but the regular guys like me trying unload left overs 
TAX stuff is also hitting Ebay. I 've been a member since 2000. As of last fall, They wanted a picture of my Photo ID, verified address and my SS# or they would limit my Paypal account...which they have. I can no longer can add funds to paypal from my bank. Whooopie.
BUT, they also can not report my "sales" of used stuff to the IRS ( mostly bicycle parts , baby stuff these last few years and what ever else is taking up space). I haven't sold a single truck part on E-bay but I've sold plenty of high end C6 corvette parts ( when I had one), an 04' CTS-V and my 94' B4C Z28 a few years back. I'm sure the IRS would like to get a cut on the $1XXK total sales I've had over the last 14 years.
Ebay wants to be Amazon. they will continue to increase fees ( currently 13%) until Joe Blow can no longer sell his unused circular saw and suzie homemaker can't unload baby clothes.
I look forward to finally having a vehicle old enough to make swap meets fun in my area.