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Old 03-19-2015, 07:58 AM   #8
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Re: C20 Longhorn tranny swap

I'm sorry for my short answer. I am usually known for my noel like answers to the point some have complained about them.But those same people also turned around and asked me for help, go figure. That is my fault from what I gathered from the first post info wise, You were dealing will very little info on this transmission. Then I posted a quick response to do what I thought was help to set the thing back towards the right path. The thing you have will work but like said above you might have been better off than getting an adapter and another drive shaft paying to find another short shaft TH400 or having yours built by a trans shop. I hope all this confusion can be put behind us and I surly didn't mean to mislead you or try to sound like someone who was smarting off to you or show any disrespect. Jim
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