Thread: OR Parting 1972 C20
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Old 03-20-2015, 12:46 AM   #127
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Re: Parting 1972 C20

Originally Posted by newstedcomeback View Post
Hello, I am looking for an engine side heater box. that is the last piece to my puzzle. I only need the box and hardware. (all screws for the fan, heater core and mounting on the firewall.) I already have everything for the inside and I have a new heater core and fan. could you please let me know the cost including shipping to Santa Rosa ca, zip code 95401. Thank you! -Joe
Hi Joe,

You are doing very nice work on the truck by the way. Looking forward to seeing it finished.

I will have to look in the selection and see what I have. I have a lot of these boxes in various conditions. I take it you would probably want a real nice one. I am off for the weekend but let me check on it Monday for you.

I will let you know what I have and then do a shipping quote if interested.

Thank you for the interest,
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