Originally Posted by jbgroby
I'm going to pick up new battery cables today (might as well everything else is new  . I installed a full and new wiring harness from E-Z. I made a new and direct ground to the radiator support for the halogen upgrade harness.
I currently have the positive cable to the starter, the negative cable to a bolt on the exhaust manifold.
Do I connect another strap from the block directly to the frame on both sides? as well as another straop from the bed to the frame in the rear of the truck?
Do I connect a strap from the blocl to the cab?
Would be this enough?
The exhaust manifold may not be the best place to attach the Batt neg wire. The heat in this area will most likely cause an issue with expansion and contraction. Can you use the front of the head or alternator bracket instead???
Battery negative to the engine first. The starter is the biggest draw of power in the vehicle. Keep this cable as short and large as possible.
I run a big ground strap from the transmission tailstock to the transmission crossmember bypassing the tranny mount. This grounds the frame, allows for a short, heavy gauge wire and is well hidden. It is also a good place to run a ground strap up to the body. This body ground needs to be a large gauge also. If the core support is mounted on rubber, I use a short jumper across this body mount also. Under the dash I will also put a ground from the steering column to the firewall.
Use as large of a ground wire as you can.
Remember every circuit in your vehicle, depends on these ground wires to be able to return to battery and some of them have very high current draws.
Hope this helps