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Old 03-21-2015, 09:57 PM   #4
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Re: Alignment Shop Fail

I would think those specs would be in the book. Isn't it on here somewhere for a download? I have one in the living room but my wife moved it during a clean up and I haven't seen it since. I get so frustrated with the front end thing I run into to this all the time rebuilding wrecks,and I want them all checked. Well there is on place a town over from me that no matter when it is you can call the guy and he can't get you in until the next wed afternoon. You can call him from the parking lot then walk in on him after he talks about how backed up he is then you go in his shop and he is sitting drinking a coke watching tv or something. ARGH!! I makes me want to get a couple of caster camber gauges and a Arnwood toe gauge , and a pair of turn tables and stick them out back by my frame machine and ad another purpose to it. Rant off, Jim
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