Originally Posted by Money_pit
This may be a dumb question but this is my first resto.
I have a good harness from a donor truck, same year and everything as the truck that I'm trying to get together (in my sig). It has no cuts or splices; nor any wires tapped in or anything..... Perfect shape. So, is it a bad idea to use it inside the truck? And then I was also wondering if someone has made a harness that would plug into the firewall and let me use a cs style alternator, hei, and electric fans?
X2 on using the original, un-cut and un-damaged harness and easy to make the mods you propose. I'd buy this for the alternator mod, it's plug and play and you don't have to hack your harness in that area:
I would however, modify the harness before I installed it on the power wire going to the coil. I'd completely replace that coil resister power wire with 14-12 gauge automotive quality for the HEI and use one of these connectors, depending on if you have a tach. If you want to go 12 gauge, you will need to remove the spade from that connector and obtain a new one to crimp to your wire, otherwise just splice a 14 gauge wire.
For key-on power to trigger the cooling fan relay/s, I'd use the ign un-fused spade on the fuse block. You might consider wiring that one from the back as well (if possible, not sure) as long as the fuse block is out. If you use multiple relays, this instruction shows how to avoid feedback in the wiring (it's only for single fan but good info on the relay installation to avoid the need for diodes).
For the cooling fan motors, install a heavy duty junction block and splice the positive battery cable to it or simply buy the right cables to make the installation. Then use appropriate sized wires going from that to power the cooling fans motors. You might consider a fuseable link, inline fuse, or circuit breaker on that. Without specifics on what you want, that's all I have right now.
Do you want a low/high speed option on one of the fans?
Do you have a/c?
Personal specifics.
Dual fans with shroud.
If you can afford it, they make some nice radiator/dual fan combo units.