Re: 1967 Mustang Coupe Build (Electra)
Got to work! Went and bought a spatula and used it to seam seal the passenger side cowl, installed my new heater box but i had to use the old core as the new one had short hose conections and i would of had to pull the hoses in the car. So since everything worked on the old rotted box i installed it with the new fan. Took a few tries as at first nothing worked. Took it apart and re installed it. All works new plenum and all! Now i just need to get new controls as that is all busted up.
Installed a new quarter window actuator only to have the same issues. I think my window channels are jacked. So i ordered new ones.
Trying to get the car where i can start installing the interior and not have to worry about leaks and such....
Ill test the cowl out tomorrow