What did you get done 3/22/15 edition
Despite a spring kick in the butt from good old mother nature I got a lot done this week. On the plow beast 79K10 we figured ou why the plow wasn't working correctly as it appears a bolt on the plow linkage snapped not allowing it to be picked up correctly. We then replaced the old worn out carb on her with a new edelbrock 1406 then we finally cut down the old exhaust and put on the new exhaust ( stock Y pipe cat mid pipe muffler and tail pipe)
During the week I scored a new set of inner fencers and Sunday we went to cowtown where I got a used right fender to go with the left one I had from the old plow truck
Im getting ready to do the left side rocker and cab corner so once that is all done things will be pretty good for the old plow heap
I also went down to the 74 and put the one spring in and the junction block in there so that is one stwp closer to being started
How about you all?
1951 International running on a squarebody chassis
"If a man's worth is judged by the people he associates himself with, then i am the richest man in the world knowing some of the fine people of this board"
http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/a...t.php?f=25&a=9 (you can review the site rules here!)
PM Me for your vehicle/parts hauling needs in the North East US or see my Facebook page Robert Olson Transport
Live each day to the fullest.. you never know when fate is going to pull the rug out from under you...
I hate cancer!!