wiper motor/switch wiring
Hey all, looked at a thousand threads and tons of diagrams.. My books do not show this.. This motor came with a truck I am building, I assumed it was from a 61.. I just cannot figure this thing out. I labeled the opposite end of the one harness I have in case the colors did not show up in the pic. As you can see its a 4 prong on the motor and of course 2 on the pump.. it appears the open prong is jumped to where the pink wire is currently plugged.. Thanks in advance.
BRN obviously to the pump button (on the switch)
GREY to the speed terminal (on the switch)
Black (ground?)
On the motor the pink to fused power, I would assume if I plugged in the red to the jumped term.
and the white?
Last edited by 72bigred; 03-23-2015 at 06:03 PM.