Originally Posted by 72bigred
Thank you for your reply. So basically since it appears obvious that this motor requires a separate ground for high and low.. The switch I have is a 3 prong.. that I would assume grounds itself to the dash.. so it may have the ability to handle 2 speeds and a washer.
You're welcome! And your assumption is correct, the switch is case ground to the metal dash.
Similarly, the metal case of the wiper motor should also be grounded for the parking switch circuit to operate as intended. Without the motor case grounded it'll simply stop when the dash switch is turned off instead of continuing to run until the blades are parked.
Originally Posted by 72bigred
The harness is what has been confusing me then as it appears it is made for a switch that needs a separate grounding source. I will have to get out the ole meter and do some cont testing.
Yes, some continuity testing of the switch terminals to it's case (ground) should help identify the terminals.