WTB Guages and cluster parts for my restorations.
I have reached that point where my inventory of good clean working gauges is getting low and need to replenish my stock.
I am looking for speedometer faces for 69-72 and will consider 67-68's also. I do not care about the working condition of the speedometer head itself as I rebuild these. I actually have a large amount of heads but not enough good faces for them.
I am also looking for very nice fuel, temp, oil pressure and amp gauges. I will also take none working gauges with good faces.
Also looking for some of the small hardware such as speedometer head insulators. (the small rubber grommets that fit over the speedometer head mounting screws). I can always use lenses if they are not scratched or gouges, especially on the back side. I can wet sand and buff these if they are decent.
I am not looking for complete clusters unless they have real nice gauges and the price is right.
I am planning a trip to the Portland swap meet this year and will be looking there for gauges also.
Let me know what you have and your price shipped to 97448. Please take good close up photos of any gauges you have to offer.
Thank you to all,
Take care,
Contact me on all of your gauge cluster needs. I specialize in restoration, repair and parts sales for 67-72 Chevy and GMC trucks. email me at tbonegarris@yahoo.com
I am also a dealer for Counterpart for gauge cluster parts only.
Also see my facebook page, CG&C