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Old 03-25-2015, 01:54 AM   #14
Cluster King
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Location: Junction City, OR
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Re: WTB Guages and cluster parts for my restorations.

Originally Posted by DakotaKid View Post
Tbone1964, Are you interested in doing Trades? i have a decent complete Factory Tach setup for 67-72. im not sure what year it is. has the printed circuit sheet but no harness. all gauges are there.

i am lookign to have a 60-62 cluster redone, i have the delux cluster but no tach or vacuum gauge. is there something we could work out?

let me know and ill post some pics.
I appreciate the offer but I would prefer not to do any trade on this. Have you had this cluster in a truck and checked the operation of the tach and other gauges? If the tach works, the cluster is worth $250.00 at best. If the tach does not work then you are looking at a core value of $100.00 to $125.00 depending on the condition of the circuit board.

Have you found a vacuum gauge for your 62 cluster? I look for these all of the time and they are super rare and very hard to find. The tach can be bought aftermarket.

If you want to PM me, we can go over some details on restoring your 62 cluster. I actually have a 62 cluster in my shop that is a full gauge cluster that is going to get a tach added.

Let me know and thank you,
Contact me on all of your gauge cluster needs. I specialize in restoration, repair and parts sales for 67-72 Chevy and GMC trucks. email me at

I am also a dealer for Counterpart for gauge cluster parts only.

Also see my facebook page, CG&C
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