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Old 03-26-2015, 10:36 AM   #12
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Re: Lifting shortbox truck bed and cab with cherry picker engine hoist

I copied an old set of camper jacks a buddy of mine has. About $100 if I remember right. Work like a charm. I lift the cab or bed up about a foot and stick some blocks under to keep it up, then set it back down. Then I scoot them out a couple feet on each side and slide 2 4X4's under and pick back up. That way I can either set it down on a dolly or actually drive my trailer under it and set it down on the side boards.
I used my hoist before with a made bracket but like this control better.
I put little boat winches from harbor freight on and crank up a few inches then move to the other side. Piece of cake.
"Life is too short to drive a boring vehicle".

Last edited by cooperhw; 03-26-2015 at 10:37 AM. Reason: error
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