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Old 03-30-2015, 10:04 AM   #1
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Location: Arlington, TN
Posts: 315
New aluminum rad and a/c compressor installed this weekend!

I have been putting it off for a few months due to weather. I installed a new 3 core aluminum rad with twin 14" electric fans with aluminum shroud, and new chrome T-stat housing with new 180 degree T-stat. All I can say is wow...big difference from the stock 4 core with one 16" fan and shroud. The 16" fan use to stay on all the time and barely kept up when temps were above 90 (had to turn off A/C a few times due to high temps). This twin set up runs for about 30 seconds and drops the temps very quickly and shuts off. I like it!!! Also, new A/C compressor and filter/dryer installed. I know the temps were only in the high 60's yesterday here but the duct temps were real cold and I had the Burb idling for almost an hour checking for leaks and that everything seemed to work right. I'm finally ready for cruise season to start. I guess my new factory rad I bought 2 years ago will go to the scrap pile...should have done the aluminum rad in the first place. Lessons learned.
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