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Old 03-30-2015, 08:12 PM   #17
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Re: Brake line flaring tool

Well I got all of my brake line and flaring tools in the mail today. I've made about 40 practice flares and have been getting my flaring education this evening. The first few flares I tried, I prepped the tube extremely well by making sure it was completely flat, de-burring the inside as well as giving the outside a slight bevel. I also used brake fluid to lubricate the arbor. I couldn't get the flares to turn out worth a dam with this process. So I tried a piece without any prep at all and it turned out great. Tried it again and had the same result, great! From what I can tell, this Ni/Cop tubing is so soft, that filing the outside edge as well as beveling the inside edge weakens it to a point that it won't flare correctly. This stuff is super soft compared to steel tubing. One thing I think would help though, is if the little nipple that goes down inside the tube was closer to the actual inside diameter of the tube. Other than that, I've been able to duplicate great looking flares time after time. I don't know whether they will seal up or not at this point, but the look really good hahaha.
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