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Old 03-31-2015, 04:35 PM   #1
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Posts: 198
value of c20 if converted to c10

I have this nice ochre 72 c20 that's in the classifieds with a service bed on it. my plan when I got it was to swap it to a swb 1/2 ton frame but have been having trouble finding a bed. I may have come up with one on a real swb coil spring frame.

Question is would it be worth more left alone? I would need about $2500 for it with the service bed or the long bed.

I bought a decent long bed this weekend same color to throw on it for the time being and get rid of the service bed.

if I was keeping it for myself I would want it on the coil spring factory short frame. If I bought this short bed and did all the swapping I would need about $3800 for it.

I was on the hunt for a 64-66 when I found this.

please remove this post if its not allowed just looking for advice
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