Originally Posted by 65standard
Okay, good news. I got the valve to pop up after 15 minutes by using compressed in the cylinder, carb cleaner, and gentle taps. Then I sprayed some WD40 around the stem and put the pushrod ans rocker back on. Did another compression test on that cylinder and it is 150psi.
This tells me the valve and piston are not damaged. Now, what is the correct procedure to do to prevent the others from sticking. I'm also worried that I might have flushed out the rings on that cylinder from the carb cleaner.
Thanks again for all of the great advise everyone, much appreciated.
Good job! You should be ok with the carb cleaner down the cylinders just make sure you put some wd40 into the cylinders or oil to lube them up again.
To make sure no others stick I would do the air in the cylinders for the rest just to make sure nothing is stuck.
Then clean up what you can top side with a good stiff brush and some cleaner then some fresh gas and oil and just run it.
The biggest thing you want to be careful of is any large chunks of carbon or debris.