Derek, I understand your frustration---and wish I could create a miracle. Unfortunately Cancer is one of those things that sometimes is just---well---a SOB. I lost a great friend last year---who wound up with colon cancer that had progressed too far to stop. In Aug of 99' my lovemuffin was diagnosed with primary Liver cancer and was given 3 months to live. No signs, no cause, no reason---but we fought it and got a break by getting a second opinion and the doctors at Sloan Kettering in NY performed a miracle with a little help from the "penthouse". Seems that if you catch Liver Cancer early enough, they can do a resection and the dude grows back!!! Kind of like the leg of a frog. Anyway, the lovemuffin is still here, doing great. Miracles sometimes happen. Celebrate your friends life as his fighting and others fighting---has helped slow down this horrific disease. Hopefuly it will be beat soon---. All my best to you, you buddy and his family. Huck