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Old 03-31-2015, 10:05 PM   #5
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Re: Going 5 speed, column idea's?

Originally Posted by SayBye View Post
For the guys that have gone to floor shifter, what have you done with where ur column shifter once was? just removed the shifter and left the hole or what?
I still have my 3 speed shift collar on the column. I will either cut off the boss that sticks up and finish it off smooth like PGSigns suggested or maybe swap to an Ididit Column if I decide later that I want a tilt SW. I also toyed with the idea of using it as a place to install a 4 way emergency switch or other gadget.

I've heard folks mention how they think it looks "tacky" to just leave it there but I say just do whatever makes you happy. Mine is staying for the time being because I want to spend time on more important things - like getting my truck on the road (legally).
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