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Old 04-02-2015, 06:23 AM   #3
70 shop truck
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Re: wont start - obvious things to check?

I agree it usually is the last thing you messed with if the engine started/ran fine before. Even though it sounds like it cranks alright might be worth 5 minutes to hook cables up and see if a jump works before you dive deeper.

Only takes fuel/air/spark for a engine to run so I would take the air cleaner off and look down the carb while moving the linkage. See or listen for fuel while you do this and if it's there and move on to spark. You didn't say what type of ignition you are running.
1970 Long bed- Stress release

"There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and those who have met them in battle. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion." Unknown
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