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Old 04-02-2015, 10:32 AM   #9
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Re: 1 Piece Window Window Conversion for TF

Correct. The instructions detail how to mate the new guide to the door channel. The only down side is the channel matches the door in width and there isn't readily available track/felt in that width. you have to offset the track/felt to one side or the other so there's an eighth inch or so gap that needs to be filled. I opted for the gap to be on the inside and filled it with black silicone adhesive, I think. My thinking was it's much harder to see any gap from the inside, especially after the trim is installed, than it is to see a gap from the outside...which is where most people look. I think the finished product supports my decision. Others may "see" it differently. My glass guy said the old, wide felt wasn't available anymore.
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