Originally Posted by special-K
Freight in a crate wouldn't be too hateful, to someone who had to have this. That would be me, but I also had to have the money and it's bad timing coming out of winter and being tax time
It would probably be pretty easy yo build a crate, it's not that big just really heavy! It's a pretty cool period price and only the second one I've ever seen of this style Hickey, I'll probably regret selling it but trying to free up some shop space.
Originally Posted by BLT gmc
WOW. I like it. I am in line. I will take it. Do you have the fairlead or the guide as they call it. Any chance with help to Omaha? Bruce
Bruce, it's yours if you want it, I can hold it for as long as you need if you want to go ahead and pay to hold it. My brother inlaw makes runs to Omaha delivering hay and could probably meet up at a truck stop along the way, just not sure when he will be up that way for sure. Omaha is not that far and am sure we can get it there one way or another.