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Old 04-05-2015, 10:06 AM   #5
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Re: wont start - obvious things to check? FIXED

It always frustrates me when members post problems and then other members make comments and intelligent suggestions but the original poster never follows up with resolution. So here is mine!

Turns out the issue was a failed fuel pump. When I checked the oil it had ALOT of gasoline. After oil change and new FP it is again running well. But along the way I pulled and tested the starter and had the carburetor floats adjusted. Along the journey I apparently ran the + battery cable too close to the headers, melted insulation and shorted out against headers. That made for an exciting few moments. Lesson learned there.

This barely capable shade tree mechanic learned ALOT this weekend and after reading dozen of forum posts I had the knowledge and confidence to tackle this all myself.

Thanks all!
"Life is too short to use cheap zip ties"

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