If its street driven only and your not trying to turn max rpms then I would look into another set of heads. The HIPO (ya right) 305 heads (casting # 416,601, and one more I can't remember) have 58 cc chambers and will definetly bring it alive. You will probably need to run 89 or better octane but its worth it. You can find these for as little as $50 a set. Add another $30 for a gasket set and your ready. After that I would look at the cam. If and when you decide on a cam stick with something small. Look for a lift figure under .480 and a duration (at .050 lift) no more than 214 degrees. This will give a nice sound and increase power tremendously. It will even help with fuel milage if you usually turn 3000 rpms or so at cruising speed. A stock intake is actually pretty good. A good running quadrajet is a great carb, its better that the holley's and edelbrocks if its tuned and operating correctly. Just my 3 cents on the matter.