Parting: 157" 69 GMC 1 Ton with buckets
Well its time to clear some trucks out so I'm going to start parting a few again.
Starting Monday I will be parting this 1969 GMC 1 Ton with buckets.
It has a V-6 in it and dual rear wheels. 2 of the rear tires are in VGC.
There is a 12' flatbead on the truck with newer wood.
Im waiting on the PO to find the title but it does have the protect-o-plate in the Glovebox.
Here's a few prices to get us started...
Buckets with brackets $450 plus shipping
Rear end $200
Flatbed $150
Gauge Cluster $30 Plus shipping
Cab floor Brace $100 (pending sold to 29OD1)
Glove Box Door and all hardware $30 (pending sold to deadhead)
If you see something you can use let me know.
If your helping someone and expecting something in return... your doing business not kindness!
Last edited by Cash3481; 04-07-2015 at 10:10 AM.