Originally Posted by no1udknow
The beauty of this truck is, because you already have engine and trans out, you don't have to worry about draining the radiator, so there is really no reason why you can not remove the front clip. clip only takes about 40 minutes to take off, and it is worth it. just pull the wiring block at the firewall, and disconnect the ground strap from the fender, about 12-15 bolts and it's off, in one piece i might add.
it will save you a lot of headache while installing the motor and trans
^^^This is how I would do it too^^^.
It will be 2 hours well spent.
But, if you decide not to pull the clip I would try to get the truck on some ramps if possible and bolt the motor/trans together and come in at a severe angle of attack. At some point you may have to re-position your attachment to lessen the angle once the lump is in the area.
I just did this twice within the last month once with clip on and once with off. Muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh easier with it off. I did mine by myself in about a half day. Hoisted it in, rolled the truck forward, bolted it up.