AM Autoparts ( ) They have really good prices on some parts I need, and free shipping to boot!
I have never heard of them before, but the wife's Camry needs new struts all around. Since I do not have the necessary equipment to compress the springs, I looked into the "Quick Struts" that have a new coil spring included in a ready to install package... just need some wrenches and my impact wrench. A lot of places sell the complete assembly for $600-$700 plus shipping. I can get all four from AM Autoparts for $267 and free shipping. 1A Auto has the same set for $296.
The wife also broke her door latch and bezel (she's rough on vehicles... I could tell stories...) Most places want $20+ for the latch and $8+ for the bezel and then shipping. AM wants $13.70 for the whole setup and free shipping...
So... I was hoping some of you guys and gals have used these guys before and can attest one way or the other about their product quality and service. They have a lot of stuff for Chevy Trucks.