Originally posted by sider68
First of all drop the negatives (no one will hire you) Post your resume and we can help.I think there are even websites for this.They can make a grass cuuter look like an outdoor industrial engineer.Keep trying and praying (I know you are a good Christain kid)
Thanks for the encouragment, I really appreciate it, after you get turned down as much as I have, you start to get a bit down on yourself though.
I tried some of those resume writing tutorials, and combined most of them together to see what I could come up with, I'll post it here and see if any of you guys can pick out whats wrong with the thing, or if its just my shaggy hair thats pushin' them away from hiring me, lol
Russell K. Ziegler
169 53049 Range Road 220
Ardrossan, AB T8E 2C8
(780) 922-0869
Age 17
Birthdate - November 24, 1986
To gain workplace experience & fund my truck restoration project
Currently enrolled in Grade 11 at Ardrossan Jr. Sr. High School
Have taken entry level mechanics course that covered vehicle maintenance, body work and shop safety
Have also taken computing courses that cover many different aspects of information processing
Renovations and general maintanence
- Inner city apartment buildings, Edmonton, AB Gained experience in painting, appliance repair, plumbing, cleaning, yard work, roofing and general building upkeep while working for my father
Gas station pump attendant
- Worked for Laughing Llama Esso for several months as a pump attendant
- Weddings and other events, Sherwood Park, AB (Summer 2003) Gained experience while working with a team of cameramen to capture and edit videos of weddings and other special events
SERVE, a national Christian missions outreach (Summer 2002 and Summer 2003)
- Did volunteer work at a food bank in Winnipeg (2002)
- Did volunteer work at Birch Bay Ranch, a local children's camp (2003)
- Was a Student Leader with extra responsiblities in 2003, helped with registration, orientation, sounds system operation, as well as running power point presentations
Trinity Baptist Church's summer day camps (Summer 1999 - present)
- Sr. leader leading large groups (10 - 15) of children (age 4 - 12) with the help of another Jr. leader
- Setup and planning
Helped with the renovations and setup for a local Preschool (Summer 2000)
- Painting
- Construction
- Electrical
- Cleaning
- Flooring
Web design, word proccessing, photography, videography, construction, electrical, as well as auto restoration and repairs
- Julie Giese, Family friend for seven years - (780) 416-***
- Elden Faulkner, Youth pastor for over four years - (780) 416-***
- Mike Engbers, Coodinator of Trinity Baptist Church's summer day camps from 1999 - 2003 - (780) 416-***