Originally posted by Low87on20s
Russell, maybe Canada is different that the US, but at the age of 17 I don't understand what you would need a resume for? What type of job are you trying to get?
I am 32, and I never had a resume until I was almost out of college hunting for an entry level job that matched my school experience.
I don't think that a resume of this caliber is going to land you a job. Your confidence, first appearances, personal references, and brushing up on interview skills just might!
Just my opnion....
Up here they ask for a resume for everything. I'm just trying to land myself a part time job so I can make enough money to run & work on the truck. 7 bucks an hour with say 20 - 24 hours a week would be plenty. Thats why I am so confused as to why no one will hire me, I'll admit, I'm definitly not the best looking by any means (typical baggy jeans, untouched mope, rarely shaven) But I'm usually pretty confident in myself when I go for a job, I just whine and snivel online, lol Personal references are exellent references -- They won't lie about me and will tell the employer everything he wants to know about me. I'll work real hard for someone else, even if I am a bit lazy otherwise, I feel a sense of duty when I am being paid to do something, nor do I like sitting around with nothing to do, I'll usually busy myself with something or other, like shovelling the gas bar, cleaning the floor, or stocking shelves and such when I've got nothing to do.
Never actually had an actual interview before, no one has ever called me to come for one before -- I got working at the gas station becuase of a line from a friend who put in a good word. Unfortunately, I spent most of my time sitting around (already did most of everyone else's chores) and the pay was the minimal possible.
What do you mean by a resume of that calibre? You meaning that it is good, or mediocre?