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Old 02-06-2004, 10:36 PM   #26
Just Don't Stop!
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Originally posted by smitty62
I was always taught that if you asked for an opinion, you obligated yourself to either accepting it with gratitude or rejecting it with it diplomacy. You, sir, have done neither, but have shown your total ignorance of mature and proper conduct as well as correct spelling and punctuation.
By all means chop away at all the trucks you choose--do you really think I give a fat rat's A$$ what you screw up on your vehicles? Rest assured I will not respond to any of your future posts, nor I suspect will some others. You list yourself as "firstgen"--I certainly hope you are the last.

First of all, I appoligise for offending you. That was not my intention. I definatly disagree with your opinion, but I do not hold that against you. I think that is pretty immature of yourself to "not talk to me" because you don't agree with my opinion. I remember stuff like that in highschool.

On a second note, lets see a picture of your truck or cars. I have yet to "screw up" a vehicle and would be willing to compare vehicles with you any day.

Seems to me like you have alot of hostility for no reason. I have worked in metal fabrication for some time now and this is a simple mod. Here is a picture of a gate we designed, hand forged then installed in Napa Valley, CA. Do you really think that shortening a piece of C channel is a difficult task? It's all a matter of perspective though.... I just think yours is off.
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