Thread: muncie sm420
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Old 04-15-2015, 03:44 PM   #4
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Re: muncie sm420

Ok so this thread caught my eye and I'm hoping we get some good information here...

So I have this same transmission, and it is leaking a bit of oil. I am not sure if I should go through the trouble in replacing the seals or replacing the transmission. The transmission ratings that I have found give the transmissions "smoothness" is 3 stars out of 5.

Honestly, I think I want to go with an automatic. What is involved in swapping transmissions? What to look for when searching for a new transmission? What generally needs to be modified?

Also, my uncle purchases a lot of old trucks and cuts a lot of corners, so I am a bit skeptical of the advice he gives me, but he mentioned a 700 transmission. What is a 700 transmission?
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