My dad gave me a 72 blazer when I was 16 and I loved that thing. The fact that I could cruise all the mud holes with my friends in a convertible was awesome. My buddies ended up nick naming it the "Super Blazer" due to the fact we rarely got stuck. Being a young dumb kid, I ended up completely destroying that thing and have regretted it since. Ever since then, I have always wanted another one.
Originally Posted by Bluechevy68
I was a teenager in the 90s and was dazed and confused. I love that black c10 at first site.
This is hilarious! Believe it or not, I have wanted a swb ever since I saw that movie. It is still one of my favorite movies to this date. The scene where they race the swb against the Chevelle is what done it for me. Originally I was hell bent on getting another blazer, but once I saw that truck race the Chevelle, I was hooked. I had to have one!
Heres a pic of my Chevelle bluechevy68. Original SS 396 4 speed bucket. Even still has all of the original metal. As soon as I get my truck done, the car will be up to bat!