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Old 04-17-2015, 09:07 PM   #2
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Re: grinding into 1st

Originally Posted by mehoff400 View Post
having an issue grinding into 1st and reverse. i am not 100% positive my clutch is adjusted properly. when taking off the clutch doesn't grab until the pedal is almost all the way out. any good write ups on how the clutch should be adjusted or how to adjust the clutch?
What year truck? What transmission? Column or floor shift?

The Factory Service Manual is the best resource a truck owner can have. It's available night and day. You won't regret buying one.

I will assume you have a factory 3 speed.
To adjust the clutch, my 1963 FSM says:
1. Disconnect the clutch fork return spring at the fork.
2. On th clutch push rod, loosen the front nut back off the swivel 1/2".
3. Move the clutch push rod toward the fork so the fork pushes the throw out bearing against the tines of the pressure plate.
4. Adjust the rear nut on the clutch push rod so there's 3/16" to 1/4" clearance between the nut and the swivel.
5. Reconnect the fork return spring at the fork. Turn the front nut up against the swivel until the swivel is locked between the 2 nuts.
6. Check free pedal clearnace at pedal. Should be 3/4" to 1".
My 65 C10 build:

Want to know more about T5 transmissions? My website has a T5 Info Page and a Step by Step T5 rebuild.
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