Differences in brake switches
I posted this question in the electrical section, but thought it might get more attention here. I swapped out the manual brake/clutch pedals for an auto brake pedal and have a question about the brake switch. The original manual pedals had a 2 prong brake switch that had the orange and white wires connected to it. The auto brake pedal has a 4 prong brake switch. The connector with the orange and white wires will fit on the front 2 prongs closest to the firewall, but there is no connector in my harness for the rear 2 prongs. Would those have been for cruise control? If so, since I'm not going to have cruise control for a while, can I just use the old brake switch?
'83 Silverado Step Side
'85 GMC short bed.
'86 Chevy Step Side Custom Deluxe
LQ9/4L80 swap (SOLD)