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Old 02-07-2004, 05:36 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Holmen, WI
Posts: 50
Angry I attemped to switch out my tach dash

Well the weather here in Wisconsin finally warmed up to 25 or so , so I started taking apart the dash on my 78 Chev 1/2 ton in hopes of replacing the cluster with the tach cluster I bought off of ebay last week..... Wrong. For starters, The cluster was out of a 73 Suburban and as Captkaos informed me, there are a LOT of differences, and don't believe all of the hype on ebay about 'fits 73 to 87 Chev and GMC'. Yes, it will physically fit, but mechanically and electrically speaking, its a whole bunch different. I'm sure most of you already know this stuff and some made the same mistakes as I did, but I'm posting this as much for the new guys like me, so they can learn from the mistakes of others.
I want to send out a special thankyou to 'N2TRUX' offering to assist me through these trying times. Needless to say, I'll be selling a tach dash out of a 73 Suburban pretty soon on ebay. (my seller name is 'cpe1') Hopefully, I can recoup some of the (gulp) $180 or so I put into it.
Well, thanks for giving me a place to vent. I guess I'll just put up with my big ol' gas gauge and idiot lights for a little while longer.
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