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Old 04-23-2015, 10:55 PM   #3
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Posts: 47
Re: where to go for leaf springs and eaton brake parts

I am a '69 C25 and just got my order from LMC (near you in KS) for leaf springs (plus lots of brake parts, but not brake lines).
I am a little concerned because with the "5 leaf spring" setup that they sent they counted the overload as a leaf so I am one leaf short of the 5 + 1 setup that is original to the truck. (I will do some HW, but I expect I will just use the ones they sent.) Other than that, the parts look to be fine (good match) and were definitely cheaper than the Oregon place I had found that would build them from scratch. LMC had the U-bolts and shackles, too.
I can let you know about the fit after they are installed if you want.
'69 3/4t 2wd
350 V-8, LWB
Auto trans, power steering
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