Thread: Check Valves
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Old 04-25-2015, 12:45 AM   #1
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Question Check Valves

I plan to have a local company build a fuel cell to my specs that if I were to use the whole space minus one inch for air it would hold 32 gallons, then I decided since I'm having it built I would have a tank within a tank. So subtracting a small area the main part will hold just over 27 gallons and the smaller will hold 5 gallons.
Now the check valve would be installed after a fuel shut off to keep the main from filling up the the smaller tank. Outlet size will be -10 on both tank halves.

Have any of you used check valves like I plan to do?

The reason I plan to have the two tanks is so either I can keep the smaller as a reserve on long drives or to put high octane fuel in it for when I want to up my boost level for some fun.
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