That is something I will retype on the page that is missing.
The arm is for a 2wd steering box(besure to get a truck one not a van, they are different).
As for the arm, no we do not angle them. We haven't found a need to have them machined with the angle..
If you go back to the website and look in the trucks & video page, all the vehicles on that page have our steering plus about 20-30 more.
Installed between the d44 and d60.
The yellow truck which was in a thread i posted last week has it with hydro assist. and the jeeps down on the bottom trail, and rock climb with D44's..
They have no binding issue..As for daily driving and playing in the mud, I can tell youI personally haven't had any issues on my blazer. It takes the bump steer 98% away.
Sorry danadena1960
Didn't mean to hijack your thread..