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Old 04-28-2015, 05:32 PM   #6
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Re: Cooling Problem.. Help Please

Originally Posted by alsriv2 View Post
Not sure about the "new radiator" part of this as we have no idea the condition of yours, however, it is not a bad idea.
More than likely lack of good airflow due to missing or incorrect shroud will cause the problems you describe.
How is your fan? Original or after market? AC? Clutch fan or straight drive? Answers to these questions will help diagnose your overall problems.
The engine is a car/light duty truck replacement GM Goodwrench Crate 350. It's the stock radiator from 1972. It sat out of the truck for a long time, truck overheated and warped a head, now it is back in, and I used the same cooling components. Original radiator, original fan shroud, original fan, aftermarket fan clutch, water pump on this motor doesnt look the same as the original water pump, however this one currently installed does look the same as ones I look up for a 350 waterpump. Edit: If it helps, while I was bleeding the cooling system (I used a 2 liter bottle with the bottom cut off and used electrical tape to seal it. I know it sounds bad, but it works.) the coolant would raise all the way to the top of the bottle when it would get hot, and suck down in to the radiator as soon as the gas was pressed. So, when it gets hotter, at idle, the coolant rises in the radiator, but as soon as I hit the pedal (temp goes down), the coolant goes right back down in to the radiator. It's a very immediate reaction, too. That's what lead me to also think that my radiator may be gummed up? I dont know.. I'm kinda scratchin my head.
EDIT 2: No heater core hooked up.

Last edited by IntegratedTJ; 04-28-2015 at 05:46 PM.
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