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Old 04-29-2015, 08:31 AM   #13
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Re: Speedwarning Parts or complete cluster

Originally Posted by randy.powell View Post
I've got HEI. The CSM bezel and glovebox insert look good. I'll take those also! I've got an aftermarket bezel and you're 100% correct - the woodgrain inserts just don't fit very well...

So now the total is?

I live down in Southern Maryland about 25 miles from the Harry Nice bridge on 301. We could figure out a place to meet, or if it's easier for you, you could box up all the stuff and I could assemble. I've got to change some stuff as soon as I get it anyway. I've got the ammeter to voltage gauge conversion to do and also swap out the 60 PSI oil pressure to 80 PSI gauge.

Any break on price if I assemble?

It would be 780+150 or 930 assembled. If I leave out the 60lb oil gauge and the ammeter and deliver boxed up ready to assemble I'd do 850 total. Let me know.
Looking for a 67-72 swb or blazer project in or around VA.
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