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Old 04-29-2015, 09:24 PM   #5
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Re: a few questions about blazers

Originally Posted by 71swb4x4 View Post
The ad says it's a month old, I wonder why? Certainly no CUCV in 1972. Check it over real well for rust. Post pictures of any rust and we can tell you what to expect. The black painted under the door has me concerned, could be a mess of bondo that they covered up with that paint.
That could be a great blazer for a great price, but you need to make the blazer prove that it's worth it. Don't go in expecting a $4,000 blazer, go in picking it apart and see if it's worth the money.
Ok, I was pretty sure there was no 1st Gen mil blazers. It does scare me that it is a month old, but I don't know. He said "rusty around windshield floorboards 85% solid quarters need a patch tires nothing special" I quote.

I have heard the old trick of the thin magnet on the doors to check for bondo, if it sticks there is very little bondo, if not, there is a lot of bondo. I just asked him if all the hatch hardware is there, if not, most likely no deal. I dont want to search all over eternity for the parts.
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