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Old 02-08-2004, 05:40 PM   #18
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Rochester, New York
Posts: 5
Well, you guys have the history down pretty good thanks to Dave. I was going through this stuff and research about 10 years ago. To make the clusters work outside of their application years (plug & play years) you have to research the wiring and components of both and modify accordingly. You may end up swapping parts between the tach and non-tach clusters to give you a plug-n-play unit or atleast closer to one. It also usually comes down to the style and condition of the plastic tach cluster housing and the gauge faces/style to determine if it's do-able. Most of this was said above, but I thought I would touch on it.

The main thing I wanted to say is that if you find a tach cluster in a truck Do Not Cut the Tach Harness, I repeat Do Not Cut the Tach Harness. The tach harness is only a three wire 4 ft. to 5 ft. long stand alone harness. Follow the tach harness back and disconnect the ground, the positive wire at the fuse box and the tach wire off the distributor. The harness goes through the firewall with a grommet between the fuse box and the steering column. Pop the grommet (it stays with the harness) and pull the harness into the interior. Now you'll have a correct and probably complete harness to use.

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