Thread: brothers trucks
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Old 05-01-2015, 04:18 PM   #3
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Re: brothers trucks

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Size:  33.7 KB just got these in and on today, I believe they were 65% off the original bs price of 100 bucks lol. That said after the bs 15$ s&h I only paid 5-10 dollars more than I would have from gmc pauls. Unfortunately I couldn't get gmcpauls website to work so I went with brothers. I will say also that now that they're on they look and work great and I'm super happy with them and won't be crying myself to sleep over 5-10$. Here's the thing with brothers, when they put stuff on sale it's just knocked down to retail price. Everything I've got from them is top notch though. But yeah if your gonna buy from them only do it when they're having these "big sales"!
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